Castle and Fort Jindřichovice
5. − 8.9.2024

Fort's Extra Beds, free spaces in the Castle, and T-shirts size selection


The Fort is full! However...

If you really want to taste the life in the Fort and be accommodated with your chums, we hereby offer you a possibility of an extra bed! For the price of a regular accommodation package, we offer you a professionally inflated mattress, which you can take home after the con.

Rules for an extra bed are simple:

  • Contact us using the Contact Form on our Website that you'd like to be accommodated on an extra bed in the Fort. The queue for Fort accommodation was cancelled due to its full capacity, so we need to authorize each request individually.
  • Everyone in the room has to agree with your stay on an extra bed. This needs to be done by a simple message to us through the Contact Form on our Website.
  • After the extra bed is approved, it is no longer possible to change room's attendees in any way.
  • The extra bed does not contain beddings. It is unfortunately out of our reach to provide you with a blanket for the mattress, so we advise to bring your own sleeping bag or beddings with you. 

Furthermore, the royalty announces that there are still five free spots in the Castle's Chambers, and in case of filling those, it is possible to open an additional capacity. So if you and your ten friends still want to join Furrstein, let it be known, that we have a space for you!



T-shirts shall be!

T-shirts selection was moved to regular registration packages. You can select the size now. Do so until 5th August 2024, unless you wish for a default (L) size.

With this change, an unpaid balance has risen for some of you. It is preferred that you settle it up by a bank transfer. Don't forget to include the payment fees in the transaction! Please, try to make sure to settle the unpaid balance until the Payment's Deadline (30th August 2024). If you cannot use the bank transfer (eg for abroad accounts, where the fees would be quite high compared to the price), please, let us know using the Contact Form on our Website, and bring the money in cash in CZK/EUR (for EUR please try to bring the exact amount) to the Registrations on place.

We shall reveal the image for the T-shirt soon, so everyone that is still considering the T-shirt can decide according to the looks. A limited number of T-shirts will be also available for sale on place, but it will be highly possible that we won't have your size anymore, so better make sure and order it on our website!